Timber harvesting in Primorye of Russia has not been reduced to critical values
In Primorye, the level of timber harvesting remained at the level of 2021-2022. The average stock of raw materials in the region exceeds 4 million cubic meters of wood. According to the Russian news agency Vlad News, the governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemiako made the above remarks at a sideline meeting of the Committee on the Development of the Forest Complex of the Russian Federation under the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Assembly.
"We see how the industry is changing before our eyes, how the new woodworking industry is modernized and created. Even 15 years ago, less than 10% of harvested commercial timber in Primorye was processed. Today, that number is 75% and continues to grow. The news department quoted the head of the region as saying.
Recall that the modernization of the Primorye forest complex began in 2010. Over the past five years, industrial enterprises have invested almost 14 billion rubles in fixed assets.
Raw materials from Primorye are sold in the domestic market and abroad, mainly to China. In May and June, the region's exports of industrial timber and timber products to other countries stabilized at 145,300 cubic metres per month.